Various Works:
Cast of Navel on the Interior Skin of a Measured Object, 2015, Pigmented porcelain, silicone, probiotic supplement, protein powder, dietary fiber, dried clay, dried leaves, freeze dried fruit, concrete
Coke Bath, 2015, Plastic measuring container, plaster, Diet Coke, 6.5 x 6 x 5 inches
Hockey Peanut Butter Stick, 2013, Porcelain, ground peanuts, silicone, 1 x 19 x 1.5 inches
Palm Compressions, 2013, Pigmented Porcelain, Dimensions variable
Resting Porcelain Gesture, 2015, Pigmented porcelain, cotton fleece, 5 x 8 x 4.25 inches
Right Hemisphere of Digestive Thinking, 2015, Silicone, probiotic supplement, protein powder, dietary fiber, dried clay, dried leaves, freeze dried fruit, concrete, 3.5 x 3.25 x 8.5 inches
Two Serpents Four Worms, 2013, Branch, clear hockey tape, silicone, probiotic supplement, protein powder, dietary fiber dried clay, driftwood, rusted wire, acrylic polymer, Dimensions variable